March 25, 2013

The Conservation of Enfield Rifle Barrels from USS Tulip

The Naval History and Heritage Command's (NHHC) Underwater Archaeology Branch (UAB) manages the Archaeology & Conservation Laboratory which is primarily tasked with the documentation, treatment, preservation, and curation of artifacts from US Navy sunken military craft. Artifact conservation is an integral part of any archaeological investigation

Feb. 23, 2013

February 23, 1795: Birthday of the Navy Supply Corps

This article was published in the December 1927 issue of Proceedings magazine as "A New Job for the Supply Corps" by Lieutenant T. E. Hipp, (SC), U.S. Navy.The Naval aircraft factory at the Navy Yard, Philadelphia, was organized during the stress of the World War when naval officers were not available to recruit the organization and the work of

Jan. 22, 2013

January 23, 1968: USS Pueblo Seized by North Korean Forces in the Sea of Japan

Following the seizure of the USS Pueblo, Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, USN, Chief of Naval Operations and President of the Naval Institute, gave these remarks in an address to the American Bar Foundation on January 25, 1969. This address was published in the March 1969 issue of Proceedings magazine. "You, as lawyers, will understand why I, as Chief of