Tag: Seabees

May 6, 2021

The Establishment of NECC

Fifteen years ago, on January 13, 2006, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC) formally stood up as the Navy's Type Commander (TYCOM) for expeditionary forces.

Jan. 15, 2021

Bridging the Gap between Sea and Shore

Celebrating 15 Years of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command through Pictures.

Oct. 29, 2018

What's in the Seabee Museum Archive?

The U.S. Navy Seabee Museum's archival collection represents the history of the Seabees, Civil Engineer Corps, and naval shore establishment. We select, collect, preserve and display materials relevant to Seabee History. The archives primarily consist of: Newsletters  Ephemera Photographs Maps Deployment Completion Reports Monthly Reports Rosters

July 9, 2018

The Impossible Takes a Little Longer

Imagine trying to justly tell the entire 75-year history of an organization in 500-600 words, or perhaps of just a few objects. Now imagine that organization is the Seabees, whose official establishment dates back to World War II, and whose operations have taken them to the far reaches of the globe for all major warfighting campaigns and exercises

March 8, 2017

LIONS and ACORNS and CUBS, Oh My!!

By now we know why the Seabees were created, but in creating a new type of fighting force came a new challenge: how does the Navy equip the men that are meant to equip the fleet? During World War II the Navy began an extensive advance base construction program that spanned the globe, but which also created massive planning, construction, and

March 3, 2017

10 Things You Need to Know About Your Seabees!

Did you know March 5th marks the 75th anniversary of the Seabees? Celebrate with us! Seabees young and old are celebrating the birthday of this unique organization; here are 10 facts you probably didn't know about Navy's builders, who can fight!Since March 5, 1942, the U.S. Navy has employed an elite cadre of construction battalion Sailors, better

March 3, 2017

Code Name: BOBCAT - Part Two

Editor's note: This is Part Two in the series about how the Seabee's were created. Read Part One here.From 1940-1941, BuDocks used contractors to develop and construct outlying bases on territories owned or governed by the United States. But, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Bureau of Yards and Docks (BuDocks) could no longer utilize service

March 3, 2017

Code Name: BOBCAT - Part One

Editor's note: What does a Bobcat, Pearl Harbor and the South Pacific have to do with the creation of the Seabees? A lot. Read this two-part blog series to find out how 75 years ago, the Navy established a fighting force unlike any other!Codenamed "BOBCAT," the small island of Bora Bora in the Society Islands, was destined to become the first

March 4, 2016

The U.S. Navy Seabees: Rates to Remember

 "We build, we fight." These four simple words could not describe the role of the U.S. Navy's Construction Battalion, or "Seabees," any better. Once the United States entered World War II, the Chief of the U.S. Navy's Bureau of Yards and Docks and Civil Engineer Corps Adm. Ben Moreell recognized the need for a militarized construction force of

March 4, 2014

Building for a Nation and for Equality: African American Seabees in World War II

   Visitors to the U.S. Navy Seabee Museum may wish to walk to the display of battalion plaques from World War II. Among the blur of polished wood, painted plaster, and engraved metal one may gaze upon the plaques of the 34th, 20th (Special), and 80th Naval Construction Battalions (NCB). The plaque for the 20th bears the motto "Proving Our Worth,"