Tag: technology

June 13, 2023

U.S. Industrialization and Naval Technology before the Spanish-American War

When most people think of Civil War-era naval technology, it is generally USS Monitor that comes to mind. The low, iron-covered hull with its distinctive round turret is very different from the wooden-hulled steam frigates that made up most of the Civil War U.S. Navy, with their traditional rigging and sails. But while Monitor was dramatic, both in

June 14, 2017

19th Century Naval Shipyard Innovation

As the Navy transitioned from wooden sailing vessels to a steam powered fleet, three major innovations - steam power, marine railways, and the shiphouse - changed the tone and development of shipyards during the 19th century. Each of these now seemingly simplistic innovations helped the Navy progress from a few small yards into a global system of

Jan. 10, 2017

Patrol Boat River (PBR) Lethality in Vietnam

During the Vietnam War, the Navy deployed a variety of small boats to South Vietnam ranging from Boston Whalers to modified World War II era landing craft. Perhaps the most iconic of them all was the Patrol Boat River or PBR as it was affectionately referred to by its crews. Adapted from a commercially manufactured 31-foot fiberglass pleasure

Aug. 1, 2016

Preserving Peace with Strategic Deterrence

Imagine working for years to design and build something you hope fervently never to use. The U.S. Navy does just that with the nuclear submarine-launched ballistic missiles that form the foundation of the Navy's strategic deterrence program. Deterrence strategy aims to prevent a possible nuclear attack by demonstrating the ability to retaliate. To

May 19, 2016

Balancing Act: History and Technology in a Modern Navy

At the Navy League's Sea Air Space Exposition this year, I was fortunate to sit on a panel with peers from the Coast Guard, Navy and Marine Corps. The question was how today's service men and women seize history's lessons to tackle today's leadership and technology challenges. With a little more than a year as the Director of the Naval History and

April 12, 2015

Evolution of the Aircraft Carrier

Aircraft carriers are often revered as the "powerhouse of the fleet" because of their size, strength, capabilities and importance to our national security. For nearly 100 years, the aircraft carrier has continued to evolve alongside the technological advancements of our Navy.The U.S. Navy's first aircraft carrier, USS Langley (CV 1), was converted

Dec. 9, 2014

Grace Hopper: Navy to the Core, a Pirate at Heart

The typical career arc of a naval officer may run from 25-30 years. Most, however, don't start at age 35.Yet when it comes to Rear Adm. Grace Hopper, well, the word "typical" just doesn't apply. Feisty. Eccentric. Maverick. Brilliant. Precise. Grace Hopper embodied all of those descriptions and more, but perhaps what defined her as much as anything

Oct. 7, 2014

Tomahawk Missiles Brought Power to the Punch During Operation Enduring Freedom

It was 13 years ago today, in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Operation Enduring Freedom began against the Taliban and Al Qaeda holed up in the mountain ranges of Afghanistan. The U.S.-led coalition launched tomahawk missiles against terrorist training camps and military installations. First among them came from destroyer John Paul Jones