Tag: trailblazers

May 31, 2024

Elizabeth Reynard, Virginia Gildersleeve, and the Birth of the WAVES

Elizabeth Reynard, an English professor, was the second in command of the WAVES, or Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service, during World War II. Together with Virginia Gildersleeve, the politically and socially well-connected dean of Barnard College, Reynard laid the foundation for the Women’s Reserve, which opened doors to naval service

April 6, 2022

Captain Jordine Von Wantoch, First Mom to Have a Normal Navy Career

Over the past 18 months, the Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) has highlighted female Navy trailblazers. We have shared their stories because these women are important members of the Navy family. They have served as valuable role models for the next generation of Navy civilians and sailors. NHHC is committed to ensuring their stories are

March 22, 2022

The Navy’s Aircraft Carrier Force Centenary: Women Carrier Aviator Trailblazers

The Navy’s centenary anniversary of the commissioning of USS Langley (CV 1), its first aircraft carrier on March 20, 1922, offers a special opportunity to recognize the outstanding achievements of the Navy’s pioneering women aircraft carrier aviators. This occasion also allows us to explore their progress towards promoting diversity, inclusion, and

March 4, 2022

Interview with Commander B.J. Farrell, USS Constitution Commanding Officer

INTRODUCTION:On January 21, 2022, history was once again made on the decks of USS Constitution, America’s Ship of State. At twelve noon the change-of-command ceremony bid farewell to Cmdr. John Benda and welcomed Cmdr. Billie J. Farrell as the first female commanding officer in “Old Ironsides’ 224-year history. Cmdr. Farrell, a native of Kentucky,

Feb. 16, 2022

Command Master Chief Octavia Harris: A Navy Leader Who Looks Out for Others

Over the past 18 months, the Naval History and Heritage Command has highlighted female Navy trailblazers. We’ve shared their stories because women are integral members of the Navy family and serve as valuable role models for the next generation of Navy civilians and Sailors. NHHC is committed to ensuring their stories are remembered and

July 21, 2021

Captain Donnie Cochran: From Farm Boy to Blue Angels Flight Leader

Captain Donnie Cochran was inspired to become a Navy pilot by the military planes flying over his family's farm. His dreams of flight led him to make history as the first African American Blue Angels pilot and flight leader.

May 6, 2021

Owens v. Brown -- Women Can Now Serve at Sea

On Nov. 10, 1976, Petty Officer Yona Owens and six other women sued the Navy. The women were determined to overturn a 30-year-old federal statute that limited Navy women to shore-duty billets, even though they were trained to work aboard ships. Judge John J. Sirica heard the case April 11, 1978, and July 27, 1978, Judge Sirica ruled that women should be allowed to serve at sea.

April 23, 2021

Susan Ahn Cuddy

In November 2020, CNO and Mrs. Gilday installed a new exhibit in the Tingey House highlighting the accomplishments of female Navy pioneers. The pioneers proudly served their country and this year the Naval History and Heritage Command will be sharing their stories. In 1942, Lieutenant Susan Ahn Cuddy became the first female Asian-American to serve in the Navy and also its first female gunnery officer.

April 2, 2021

Katherine Horton, World War II Veteran and African American Trailblazer

​In November 2020, CNO and Mrs. Gilday installed a new exhibit in the Tingey House highlighting the accomplishments of female Navy trailblazers. The trailblazers proudly served their country and this year the Naval History and Heritage Command will be sharing their stories. Katherine Horton joined the Navy in 1944 and in March 1945, she became one of the first three African American WAVES to enter the Hospital Corps School at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.

March 17, 2021

Loretta Perfectus Walsh - First Enlisted Woman in the Navy

​In November 2020, CNO and Mrs. Gilday installed a new exhibit in the Tingey House highlighting the accomplishments of female Navy pioneers. The pioneers proudly served their country and this year the Naval History and Heritage Command will be sharing their stories. One hundred and four years ago this week, Loretta Perfectus Walsh enlisted in the U.S. Navy. She was the first woman to serve in a non-nursing capacity in any branch of the armed forces.