Tag: Vietnam Veterans

March 27, 2020

Honoring our Navy's Vietnam War Veterans

March 29th is National Vietnam War Veterans Day, a day we join the nation in honoring our Vietnam War-era veterans. Although we are unable to honor these veterans in person while maintaining proper social distancing, we are able to highlight some of our Navy Vietnam War-era veterans through our online platforms.During the Vietnam War, Sailors

March 29, 2018

Highlight of Service - Navy's Vietnam War Veterans

Did you know March 29th is Vietnam War Veterans Day? Every facet of the Navy we know today took part in the Vietnam War effort. Sailors were on the sea, along the rivers, in the air, and on land in support of ongoing operations.Just as those who came before them and those who serve today, our Navy Vietnam War veterans served their country with

Nov. 2, 2016

A Token of Appreciation for Our Vietnam Vets

Anyone who has been to a Navy Week in the last two decades knows how great it is to be a Sailor in the United States Navy. People buy you lunch. Businesses give you discounts. Pedestrians thank you, and the drivers show their appreciation with a friendly honk. All for doing something we volunteered to do, and (on most days at least) something we

July 29, 2016

Honoring Harvey C. Barnum, Jr, Medal of Honor Recipient

 Harvey C. "Barney" Barnum, Jr, is a retired United States Marine Corps officer who received the Medal of Honor for valor during the Vietnam War. After graduation from high school, he entered college and joined the Marine Corps? Platoon Leaders Class program. Upon graduation, he was commissioned a Marine Reserve second lieutenant. In October 1968,