Tag: Obituary

Aug. 17, 2022

In Memoriam: World War II Ace Commander Dean S. “Diz” Laird, USN (Ret.)

It is with deep regret that I inform you of the passing of Navy World War II ace Commander Dean S. “Diz” Laird, U.S. Navy (Retired), on 9 August 2022 at age 101. Diz Laird entered the U.S. Navy in January 1942 and served as a naval aviator until his retirement in 1971 as the executive officer of Aviation Air Transportation Ferry Squadron THREE TWO

July 29, 2022

In Memoriam: Rear Admiral Mary A. F. Hall, NC, USN

It is with deep regret I inform you of the passing of Rear Admiral (lower half) Mary Alice Fields Hall, Nurse Corps, U.S. Navy (Retired), on 21 July 2022 at age 87. Rear Admiral Hall entered the U.S. Navy in November 1958 and served in the Nurse Corps until her retirement in October 1991 as director, Navy Nurse Corps. She was the first military

July 29, 2022

In Memoriam: Rear Admiral William E. Terry, USN

It is with deep regret I inform you of the passing of Rear Admiral (lower half) William Edwin “Bill” Terry, U.S. Navy (Retired), on 10 July 2022 at age 82. Bill entered the U.S. Naval Reserve in June 1961, was commissioned in April 1963, and served as a naval aviator flying helicopters until his retirement in October 1994 as Commander, Combat

June 29, 2022

In Memoriam: Rear Admiral Richard A. Riddell, USN

It is with deep regret I inform you of the passing of Rear Admiral Richard Anderson “Dick” Riddell, U.S. Navy (Ret.), on 27 May 2022 at age 81. Rear Admiral Riddell entered the U.S. Naval Academy in June 1958 and served as a submarine officer until his retirement in 1998 as the director of Test, Evaluation and Technical Requirements (N091) in the

June 28, 2022

In Memoriam: Rear Admiral Guy H.B. Shaffer, USN 

It is with deep regret I inform you of the passing of Rear Admiral Guy Henry Baskerville “Guy” Shaffer, U.S. Navy (Ret.), on 1 June 2022 at age 94. Rear Admiral Shaffer entered the U.S. Naval Academy in June 1947 and served as a submarine officer until his retirement in 1981 as the deputy director for operations of the Defense Nuclear Agency. His

June 23, 2022

In Memoriam: Rear Admiral Robert D. Hufstader, MC, USN

It is with deep regret I inform you of the passing of Rear Admiral Robert Duane “Bob” Hufstader, Jr., Medical Corps, U.S. Navy (Ret.), on 1 June 2022 at age 77. Rear Admiral Hufstader enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1962, serving as a hospital corpsman before being commissioned in 1971, then serving as a doctor and senior health care executive until

June 23, 2022

In Memoriam: Rear Admiral William M. Fogarty, USN

It is with deep regret I inform you of the passing of Rear Admiral William Miley “Bill” Fogarty, U.S. Navy (Ret.), on 13 June 2022 at age 86. Rear Admiral Fogarty was commissioned in the U.S. Naval Reserve in June 1958 and served as a surface line officer until his retirement in September 1991, following his tour as Commander Middle East Force

June 21, 2022

In Memoriam: Rear Admiral William J. Ryan, SC, USN

It is with deep regret that I inform you of the passing of Rear Admiral William Jardine “Bill” Ryan, Supply Corps, U.S. Navy (Retired), on 13 May 2022 at age 91. Rear Admiral Ryan entered the U.S. Naval Academy in 1948 and served as a Supply Corps officer until his retirement in 1985 as Commander, Defense Fuel Support Center, Cameron Station,

June 21, 2022

In Memoriam: Rear Admiral Mark D. Guadagnini, USN

It is with deep regret that I inform you of the passing of Rear Admiral Mark Daniel “Guad” Guadagnini, U.S. Navy (Retired), on 10 June 2022 at age 64. Rear Admiral Guadagnini entered the U.S. Naval Academy in 1976 and served as a naval aviator until his retirement in 2013 as the director, Maritime Headquarters for U.S. Fleet Forces Command. His

May 3, 2022

In Memoriam: Rear Admiral Michael P. Nowakowski, USN (Ret).

It is with deep regret I inform you of the passing of Rear Admiral Michael Peter “Mike” Nowakowski, U.S. Navy (Retired), on 22 April 2022 at age 69. Rear Admiral Nowakowski was commissioned via Officer Candidate School in 1974 and served as a surface warfare officer until his retirement in 2007 as the president, Board of Inspection and Survey. His