May 9, 2014

Alleta Sullivan: A "Navy Mom" Like No Other

On the second Sunday in May in the U.S. and in other parts of the world, there is cause for celebration. Flowers, greeting cards and a trip to a nice restaurant for lunch or dinner are in order for that special woman that has taken care of her children through thick and thin. The day is Mother's Day and it is a day on which we honor with gifts

May 7, 2014

On Course to Midway: The Battle of Coral Sea

Japanese Aircraft Carrier Shokaku 1941 Courtesy Government of Japan...

April 23, 2014

#PeopleMatter: Admiral of the Navy George Dewey

Today marks 116 years since Spain's declaration of war against the United States. Congress in turn declaredhad been prepping his fleet since February, so when war was declared, he made a beeline for the Spanish Navy at Manila Bay in the Philippines. Who was this man who would lead the U.S. Navy to its first major, strategic victories overseas?

April 22, 2014

#Presence, #Platforms, #Power: Spanish-American War Shaped U.S.'s Strategy into 20th Century

The Battle of Manila Bay is shown in this colored print of a painting by J.G. Tyler, copyright 1898 by P.F. Collier. Ships depicted in left side of print are (l-r): Spanish Warships Don Juan de Ulloa, Castilla, and Reina Cristina. Those in right side are (l-r): USS Boston, USS Baltimore and USS Olympia.Collections of the Navy Department, purchased

April 21, 2014

#PresenceMatters: The Path to Conflict and Victory in the Spanish-American War

It lasted less than four months. Yet the Spanish-American War is among the top three key naval conflicts that defined the modern U.S. Navy, along with the War of 1812 and World War II. "The Navy's performance in those wars resonated with the public, and established the reputation the U.S. Navy enjoys today," said Dennis Conrad, an historian for the

March 28, 2014

#PeopleMatter - The Rebirth of the U.S. Navy and the Legendary Exploits of the Original Frigate Sailors

USS Constitution fires a 21-gun salute toward Fort Independence on Castle IslandThe Naval Act of 1794 brought the U.S. Navy back to life after it was disbanded following the revolutionary war. The Act provided for the building of six frigates, Constellation, Constitution, United States, Congress, Chesapeake and President. They were among the most

March 27, 2014

#PlatformsMatter -- The Rebirth of the U.S. Navy: A Fleet of Frigates to Equal None

Yesterday, we outlined how piracy was the catalyst in getting the leadership of the young United States on board with creating a national naval force. As the Barbary Coast pirates continued to either break or try to renegotiate their treaties with the U.S., Congress finally authorized the construction of six frigates at the cost of $688,888.82,

March 20, 2014

America's First Aircraft Carrier - USS Langley (CV 1)

The aircraft carrier. Without a doubt, one of the most impressive ships to sail the sea, a floating city loaded with aircraft that can be launched to attack ships or shore, from nearly anywhere in the world. As with many great things, the origins of the aircraft carrier came from a more humble beginning. When the keel was laid for the

March 20, 2014

#PeopleMatter: "Yeomanettes" Paved the Way for Women of All Ratings Today

Nearly 600 Yeomen (F) were on duty by the end of April 1917, a number that had grown to more than 11,000 by December 1918, shortly after the Armistice. After the war, many "yeomanettes" continued in their positions during the post-war naval reductions. By the end of July 1919, there were just under 4,000 left in service, and all were released from

March 19, 2014

Salutations with a Bang! The Military Gun Salute

If you've ever attended a significant military ceremony, you may not have seen it, but you certainly heard it: the booming report of a military gun salute. Gun salutes have been around for centuries and, as they've evolved, shared a common purpose with the hand salute. Although those origins are not entirely clear, it is believed that both honors